​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Caloosa Park


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caloosa park


​- Fields #1, #3 (soccer), and #4 (baseball/softball) are currently closed for public use until installation of turf has been completed. Estimated timeline to completion is Summer 2025. Project is weather permitting and schedule is subject to change.

- The racquetball courts are currently closed for a construction project that will involve the total replacement of the court structures (the new LED lighting system will not be effected). Estimated completion is March 14, 2025. Due to the configuration of the construction site and the constraints with the construction safety fencing placement, there will be a slight deviation with the fitness trail flow in the construction zone for the duration of the project. Project is weather permitting and schedule is subject to change.​​

1300 S.W. 35th Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida 33426
Google Maps

Sunrise - Sunset
  • lighted court facilities open until 9:00 pm
  • lighted athletic fields (permit required) open until 10:00 pm

CLASS: District

ACREAGE: 64.53 acres (includes 3.2 lake acres)