
LIVE Wakodahatchee Wetlands Cameras
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**New Spring Hours Effective March 9, 2025**
Open 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ​​
The Wakodahatchee Wetlands, opened in 1996, are located in Delray Beach at 13270 Jog Road.

Constructed on 50 acres of previous wastewater utility property, the created wetlands are free and open to the public. Wakodahatchee features a three-quarter mile boardw​alk that crosses between open water pond areas and islands with shrubs and snags to foster nesting and roosting.

The boardwalk has interpretive signage as well as gazebos with benches along the way. This site is part of the South section of the Great Florida Birding Trail and offers many opportunities to observe birds in their natural habitats. Over 178 bird species have been identified there, along with turtles, alligators, rabbits, fish, frogs and raccoons.

Each day, the Southern Region Water Reclamation Facility pumps approximately two million gallons of highly treated wastewater into the Wakodahatchee Wetlands, which in turn acts as a percolation pond, returning billions of gallons of fresh water back into the water table.

During busy times of year, such as February, March and April, you may experience wait times for a parking space to become available. Please remain patient and enjoy the scenery while you wait for a spot to open up. 

NOTE: No pets are allowed on the boardwalk. Drones are not permitted. 

DONATIONS: ​We are unable to accept donations at this time. The memorial plaque program has been discontinued. We will continue to maintain the plaques in place at the boardwalk and we reserve the right to relocate them as needed should the part of the boardwalk they are located on need to be replaced and/or repaired. Thank you for your understanding.

Learn More: Download our Wakodahatchee Wetlands Brochure, located to the right. 

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Purple Martin Habitat

Each winter, Purple Martins migrate from South America and return to Wakodhatchee and Green Cay Wetlands to nest in special houses prepared just for them. While Purple Martins are protected by law under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, their populations are declining in many parts of North America, and over 4.3 million birds have been lost in the past 50 years alone. By providing housing for them, the species is supported by various “landlords" including schools, fire rescue stations, parks and private residents who are committed to this important conservation work in Palm Beach County. New for this season, gourd-shaped houses were installed at Wakodahatchee Wetlands, with the help of dedicated volunteers and Purple Martin experts from Audubon Everglades. These houses mimic the hollowed-out gourds that native Floridians used for many years to create habitats for the martins, who are dependent on human helpers each season. In other parts of the country, they create nesting habitats in hollow trees or hollow cacti.

We are pleased to report that the first Purple Martins have recently arrived at Wakodahatchee Wetlands for the winter season! Purple Martins will send a few “scouts" ahead of the rest of the flock to inspect the houses and begin to claim spots for their nests. You might spot the birds in early morning or at dusk by their houses, and during the day they might be out foraging and getting settled into their new winter environment at Wakodahatchee. We will continue to post updates on Facebook and Instagram @PBCWUD about the Purple Martins nesting and breeding this season, so stay tuned!

Hours of Operation

Spring Hours Effective Mar. 9, 2025:
Open 6:00 a.m. to 7​:00 p.m. daily


Please remember the following are not permitted:​
  • Pets
  • Drones
  • Food
  • Alcohol
  • Jogging, running or speed walking
  • Biking or skating
  • Smoking
  • Fishing

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​​Aerial photo of Wakodahatchee Wetlands
Click to see an aerial perspective of Wakodahatchee​ Wetlands!​
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