
In 1992, by authority of the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners, a seven-member board was created to act as the Fire Rescue Advisory Board. It is composed of (7) members with expertise from following areas: professional community, financial community, building (construction) community, health services community, business community, and consumer. The appointments to these positions are for three year terms. These individuals serve without compensation or reimbursement for personal expenses.

The purpose of the Fire Rescue Advisory Board is to: 

  • Provide input on the effectiveness and adequacy of fire rescue services 
  • Organize methods for receiving citizen input on fire rescue services and create a communication network for recipients of the service 

  • Develop a familiarity with the fire rescue delivery system in Palm Beach County and act as an advocate to improve fire protection and emergency medical services 
  • Assist the Fire Rescue Administrator with problem-solving on policy issues or topics in the community related to fire rescue 
  • Provide the Board of County Commissioners with an annual evaluation of PBCFR and recommendations on budget proposals.​

Advisory Board 2024 - 03.jpg

 Board Members

George Heisel.png

 Richad Leeds.png 

Manny Mayo.png

Jay Littman.png

Jay Littman.png

Richard Christmas.png​​