

The Finance Section strives for transparency and compliance with standard practices and policies while matching ​resources to PBCFR’s rapidly changing needs and priorities.

​The Finance Section is responsible for the following:

  • Preparation, management, budget oversight, expenditures, and revenue collections as guided by Federal, State, and County requirements in support of the operations of the Department

  • Procurement of goods and services through responsible use of Department resources while complying with the Purchasing Department’s requirements and the Office of Equal Business Opportunity

  • Preparing specifications for agreements and contracts for direct services, special events, vehicle maintenance, fire inspections, municipal service agreements, agenda items, and hazardous materials incidents in collaboration with the County Attorney’s Office

  • Analyzes and reviews every element of an activation and/or deployment to assist the Department in cost recovery ​

The Planning Section analyzes data collected from all areas of PBCFR to aid in decision-making and evaluation of service levels. Planning utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to produce and maintain the Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) map. GIS and spatial analysis tools provide information to leadership toward solving complex location-oriented issues.

Specific functions of the Planning Section include: ​

  • Plan for future fire stations 
  • ​Analyze the impact of land-use changes, development of regional impact, and annexations of fire rescue services 
  • Assist the Insurance Service Office with review to determine Fire Rescue’s rating for property insurance rates 
  • Provide annual statistics reports for PBCFR and served municipalities 
  • Produce PBCFR annual report 
  • Provide the Department cartographic services and spatial analysis for routine and special projects 
  • Implement improvements to CAD mapping and routing system and troubleshoot reported issues 
  • Analysis of all available data collected by PBCFR to support various divisions within the Department


 Contact Us

Chief Herman W. Brice

Fire Rescue Complex
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue
405 Pike Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33411-3815

Phone:  561-616-703​0​​​