Riverbend Park
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ENTRANCE 9060 Indiantown Road, Jupiter, Florida 33478 Google Maps / Park Map
HOURS: Sunrise - Sunset
CLASS: Regional
ACREAGE: 665.62 acres
AMENITIES- canoeing/kayaking access
fishing (freshwater)
- parking
- Equestrian Parking is available at the park. All vehicles and trailers must be out of the parking area when the park closes.
- picnic chickees, single table - available on a first-come, first-served basis (vehicular access limited to picnic chickees located on Picnic Island; otherwise access through hiking or biking)
- picnic pavilions - available on a first-come, first-served basis (no vehicular access to picnic areas - access through hiking or biking)
- East Grove Picnic Area
- sits 20-30 people, barbeque grill available
- Big Hammock Picnic Area
- sits 20-30 people, barbeque grill available
- Cow Pen Picnic Area
- sits 35-45 people, barbeque grill available
- 8 small individual picnic shelters with grills available
picnic pavilion, reserved group (River) - located on Picnic Island (vehicular access)
- restrooms, port-o-let - available in key locations throughout the park
- trails
- waterways (5 miles)
- Loxahatchee Battlefield - Second Seminole Indian War, site of
- Loxahatchee National Wild and Scenic River
- Ocean-to-Lake Trail (Florida Trail), portion of
- Jupiter Outdoor Center [external link]
(not operated by Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation)