West Boynton Park and Recreation Center
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6000 Northtree Boulevard Lake Worth, Florida 33463 Google Maps
HOURS: Sunrise - Sunset
- lighted court facilities open until 9:00 pm
- lighted athletic fields (permit required) open until 10:00 pm
- recreation center hours vary - see facility's website:
West Boynton Recreation Center
CLASS: District
ACREAGE: 47.12 acres
- administrative offices
- gymnasium (multipurpose)
- meeting rooms
baseball fields, lighted (5)
basketball courts, lighted (available during non-school hours)
exercise course (15 stations, 1 mile)
multipurpose fields, lighted (3)
- parking
picnic pavilion, reserved group (Oak)
- picnic shelters (3)
playground, including
- play structure (ages 2-5 years)
- play structure (ages 5-12 years)
- restroom facilities
roller hockey rink, lighted (1)
skate park
softball fields, lighted (2)
tennis courts, lighted (available during non-school hours)
volleyball, sand court, lighted (1)