​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lake Lytal Park 


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lake lytal park

- Design and development is underway for a new Aquatic Center to be located on the ​west side of Lake Lytal Park. The facility is expected to include both competition features as well as other water based recreational amenities. The department entered into a lease agreement with the YMCA of the Palm Beaches to co-locate a new community center and skate park adjacent to the planned Aquatic Center. The YMCA will be responsible for construction and management of the community center and skate park facilities with the Parks and Recreation Department initially responsible for constructing and managing the Aquatic Center. The construction portion of project has been divided into three phases. Phase 1 includes the relocation of approximately 167 trees to other onsite locations and is expected to commence in October 2023. Phase 2 is the site development phase which consists of grubbing, grading and the construction of necessary infrastructure such as parking, drainage and other underground services. This phase is currently projected to begin in early-2024 and last approximately 8 months. Construction of the YMCA Community Center and skate park is expected to commence once their portion of the site is cleared and readied for development. Phase 3 consists of the construction of the new Aquatic Center. This phase could start by the fall of 2024 pending final design and funding availability. ​Final site plan​ Thewest side of the park will be closed and ​the existing Aquatic Center will remain open during the duration of this project. Upon completion of the new Aquatic Center, the existing pool facility will be closed and demolished. Project is weather permitting and schedule is subject to change.

The Lake Lytal pavilion is closed and not available for public rental until further notice.

3645 Lake Lytal Park Drive​
West Palm Beach, Florida 33406
Google Maps

Sunrise - Sunset
  • lighted court facilities open until 9:00 pm
  • lighted athletic fields (permit required) open until 10:00 pm
  • pool hours vary according to season - see facility's website: Lake Lytal Family Aquatic Center

CLASS: District

ACREAGE: 70.4 acres

  • Lighted Armed Forces Veterans' Memorial