Current Project
Dredge Project 2025
Jupiter Inlet District will be conducting the 2025 Jupiter Inlet Sand Trap Dredging and Beach Nourishment Project. This project consists of dredging approximately 100,000 cubic yards of sand from the sand trap to be bypassed south of the inlet to minimize impacts to adjacent shorelines. The dredged sand will be placed from Jupiter Beach Park through the beach neighboring Ocean Trail Condominiums and Jupiter Beach Resort. The project will be completed by April 30, 2025. Please contact Jupiter Inlet District with any questions at (561) 746-2223.
Last Dredge Project COMPLETED APRIL 2021
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in partnership the Jupiter Inlet District and with the Florida Inland Navigation District performed maintenance dredging of the Intracoastal Waterway and Jupiter Inlet where approximately 210,000 cubic yards of sand was placed in the northern Jupiter/Carlin project area.
Last Nourishment Project
ERM's Beaches Program managed a full nourishment project with approximately 409,000 cubic yards of sand pumped onshore to restore the beach.
Fact Sheet October 2021