​​​​​​​​​​What is the Workforce Housing Program?

The Workforce Housing Program (WHP), established in the County's Comprehensive Plan, is intended to increase housing opportunities for persons employed in Palm Beach County jobs that help keep the community viable. The WHP applies to all developments with a residential component of 10 or more units in the Urban/Suburban Tier of the unincorporated County, and in other areas where required by a project's conditions of approval. The code governing the Workforce Housing Program can be viewed here: http://www.pbcgov.com/uldc/pdf/Article5.pdf and additional information is available through the links below.

Information for the Consumer of Workforce Housing

Workforce Housing units are provided as either for-sale units or rentals, and generally target households having 60% to 140% of Area Median Income ($104,000 in 2024).

For Sale WHP Units:

  • The County's Department of Housing and Economic Sustainability (HED) assists prospective WHP unit purchasers in determining elgibility and other steps in the process. Information including locations of projects with units available, possible down payment assistance, schedule of required program orientations, contact information, and general program guidelines, can be found here.    
  • WHP for-sale units must be sold only to income-qualified households, at designated prices, for a period of 15 years, recurring if resold during the 15 year period.
  • 2024 WHP Sale Prices and Incomes ​(Updated annually on July 1st)

Rental WHP Units:

  • Please contact the projects directly to determine if any units are available at the present time, and to determine eligiblity. The rental unit's owner or management company handles the determination of a prospective tenant's income category and eligiblity.
  • Rental WHP units remain restricted for a period of 30 years.
  • 2024 WHP ​Rent Prices and Incomes​ (Updated annually on July 1st)​​

The County does not pre-qualify households for these rental units. The property management staff will qualify each household. Please contact any of these developments at the phone number listed above to inquire about available workforce housing units, and schedule an appointment with property management staff to discuss the application process.

Municipal Rental Workforce Housing Developments

Click here​ for information regarding workforce housing developments in municipalities

Information for Residential Developers

The WHP has a mandatory component, requiring a percentage of units to be provided as workforce units, and an optional component that allows for a density bonus in exchange for a portion of the additional units being restricted as workforce units. Restricted units must be rented or sold only to income-qualified households, at designated prices, and remain restricted for an affordability period of 30 years for rentals, and 15 years for for-sale units, recurring if resold during the 15 year period.

The program offers several options and incentives. Depending on the options selected, the units generally target households having 60% to 140% of Area Median Income ($104,000 in 2024). The program regulations are found in http://www.pbcgov.com/uldc/pdf/Article5.pdf of the Unified Land Development Code. Additional information is available through the following links:

Information for Property Managers and Owners of WHP Units

Workforce housing units are provided as either for-sale units or rentals. The following links provide information to the owners of WHP for-sale units and to the property managers and owners of WHP rental units:

For Sale Units

Rental Units