Trail Map
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Welcome to Daggerwing Nature Center! As you approach the building, you will walk through the butterfly garden where a variety of different species can be seen. Around the back of the building you will find a simulated backyard habitat that shows you how to attract animals to your own yard. Also around the back of the nature center is the 0.6-mile total elevated boardwalk that takes you through 40 acres of seasonal swamp habitat. This type of habitat is typically dry during the winter (dry season), and wet during the summer (wet season), if we get substantial rains. The plants and animals are adapted to these seasonal changes, and the different seasons allow a broad variety of animals to be seen at different times during the year. The boardwalk has two trails, benches, and an observation tower available for you to view wildlife, including our name-sake, the Ruddy Daggerwing Butterfly. You never know what you are going to see! To see photos of what others have seen, click the
Wildlife Photos link or visit the Daggerwing
Facebook page.
Please remember the following are not permitted on the boardwalk:
Jogging or Running
Biking or Skating
Thank you for not feeding the wildlife. Please enjoy your visit!