Auction Results Listing November 2, 2019 Auction Return to Bid Auction Results List
Year : 2019 (83)
|  Vehicle Type : 01-Cars (7)
| | 10419 | 2008 Ford Focus Sedan | $2395 | | 10420 | 2008 Ford Focus Sedan | $2,600 | | 10421 | 2010 Ford Focus Sedan | $1,900 | | 10422 | 2012 Ford Focus Sedan | $999 | | 10423 | 2012 Ford Focus Sedan | $2,300 | | 10424 | 2012 Ford Focus Sedan | $2,900 | | 10425 | 2010 Ford Escape Hybrid | $3,111 |  Vehicle Type : 02-SUVs (7)
| | 10426 | 2014 Ford Escape | $5,511 | | 10427 | 2015 Ford Escape | $8,500 | | 10428 | 2011 Ford Escape | $2,900 | | 10429 | 2013 Ford Escape | $3,427 | | 10430 | 2006 Ford Explorer | $2,900 | | 10431 | 2006 Ford Explorer | $505 | | 10432 | 2006 Ford Explorer | $2,900 |  Vehicle Type : 03-Vans (2)
| | 10433 | 2007 Ford E350 Cargo Van | $8,901 | | 10434 | 2013 Ford Mini Van | $5,000 |  Vehicle Type : 04-Pickups (2)
| | 10435 | 2011 Ford F150 Pick Up Truck | *Pulled, sold to Government Agency* | | 10436 | 2009 Ford Ranger Pickup | *Pulled, sold to Government Agency* |  Vehicle Type : 05-Trucks (18)
| | 10437 | 2011 Ford F250 utility Truck | *Pulled, sold to Government Agency* | | 10438 | 2011 Ford F250 Utility Truck | $8,888 | | 10473 | 2009 Autocar Hiel Front Loader Garbage Truck | $9,997 | | 10474 | 2007 American Lafrance Condor Slideloader Garbage Truck | $4,597 | | 10475 | 2004 International 4300 Clamshell Grapple Truck | $22,699 | | 10439 | 2003 Ford F250 Utility Truck | $2,892 | | 10476 | 1994 3500 Chevy Manson Dumptruck | $2,099 | | 10440 | 2011 Ford F350 Utility Truck | $13,892 | | 10441 | 2008 Ford F350 Utility Truck | $9,588 | | 10442 | 2010 Ford F350 Utility Truck | $20,000 | | 10443 | 2011 Ford F350 Utility Truck | $16,669 | | 10444 | 2012 Ford F350 Utility Truck | $13,888 |
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