Auction Results ListingJune 17, 2017 AuctionReturn to Bid Auction Results List
Vehicle Type : 01-Cars (1)
|  Vehicle Type : 01-Cars ()
| | 9422 | 06 | 2007 Toyota Prius Hybrid Compact Car | $4,501 | Vehicle Type : 02-SUVs (1)
|  Vehicle Type : 02-SUVs ()
| | 9423 | 06 | 2009 Ford Escape Hybird SUV | $4,050 | Vehicle Type : 03-Vans (1)
|  Vehicle Type : 03-Vans ()
| | 9424 | 06 | 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan Mini-Van | $3,151 | Vehicle Type : 05-Trucks (6)
|  Vehicle Type : 05-Trucks ()
| | 9425 | 06 | 2008 Ford F-450 Utility Truck w/Bucket | $14,505 | | 9426 | 06 | 2008 Ford F-450 Utility Truck w/Bucket | $13,505 | | 9427 | 06 | 2002 Chevrolete C8500 Utility Truck w/Altec D2050TR Digger Derrick | $16,889 | | 9428 | 06 | 2002 GMC C7500 Dump Truck | $19,689 | | 9429 | 06 | 1995 International 4700 Fuel Truck | $8,900 | | 9430 | 06 | 2008 International 7600 Truck Tractor | $40,889 | Vehicle Type : 08-Specialty (2)
|  Vehicle Type : 08-Specialty ()
| | 9431 | 06 | 2004 Freightliner FL-60 Ambulance | $5,666 | | 9432 | 06 | 2000 Frieghtliner FL-80 Pumper Engine | $5,509 | Vehicle Type : 09-Equipment (6)
|  Vehicle Type : 09-Equipment ()
| | 9433 | 06 | 2009 Toro Workman E2065 Utility Cart | $2,233 | | 9434 | 06 | 2011 Club Car Carryall Turf 2 Utility Cart | $1,933 | | 9435 | 06 | 2012 Toro 3040 Ballfield Groomer | $2,672 | | 9436 | 06 | 1998 International 8ST Trailer | $657 | | 9437 | 06 | 2004 Hardee Built 816TQ5 dual axle trailer | $1,689 | | 9438 | 06 | 2009 Imperial TI717TT Tilt Trailer | $998 | Vehicle Type : 10-Misc (5)
|  Vehicle Type : 10-Misc ()
| | 9439 | 06 | Lot w/miscellanous Jewelry & watches | $1,228 | | 9440 | 06 | Lot w/miscellanous Jewelry & watches | $1,217 | | 9441 | 06 | Lot w/miscellanous Jewelry & watches | $1,220 | | 9442 | 06 | Lot w/Cartier 18k white gold Bracelet | $18,000 | | 9443 | 06 | Lot w/Rolex two-tone Submariner Watch & Case | $5,575 |
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