Auction Results Listing July 20, 2019 Auction Return to Bid Auction Results List
Year : 2019 (28)
|  Vehicle Type : 02-SUVs (2)
| | 10388 | 2010 FORD ESCAPE, SUV HYBRID | $5,599 | | 10389 | 2011 FORD ESCAPE, SUV HYBRID | $7,399 |  Vehicle Type : 03-Vans (1)
| | 10390 | 2011 GMC SAVANA 2500 CARGO VAN | $9,399 |  Vehicle Type : 05-Trucks (4)
| | 10391 | 2001 Dodge 2500 Pickup Truck | $2,375 | | 10392 | 2000 GMC 2500 Pickup Truck | $1,560 | | 10393 | 2005 FREIGHTLINER WATER TRUCK, 4200 GAL | $31,600 | | 10394 | 2008 INTERNATIONAL FUEL/LUBE TRUCK | $27,001 |  Vehicle Type : 09-Equipment (16)
| | 10395 | 2005 HARDEEBILT TRAILER - Sold to Government Agency | Sold to Government Agency | | 10396 | 2005 HARDEEBILT TRAILER | $3,426 | | 10397 | 2006 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR 4320 | $6,899 | | 10398 | 2013 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOMER | $1,209 | | 10399 | 2013 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOMER | $1,209 | | 10400 | 2013 JOHN DEERE GATOR UTILITY CART | $4,955 | | 10401 | 2014 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $2,278 | | 10402 | 2014 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $1,209 | | 10403 | 2014 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $1,209 | | 10404 | 2014 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $1,209 | | 10405 | 2014 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $1,209 | | 10406 | 2014 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $1,209 | | 10407 | 2014 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $1,209 | | 10408 | 2015 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $2,438 | | 10409 | 2015 JACOBSON BALLFIELD GROOM MASTER II | $2,338 | | 10410 | 2005 KAWASKI MULE 3000 UTILITY - PULLED FROM SALE DUE TO LACK OF TITLE | Pulled from Sale |  Vehicle Type : 10-Misc (5)
| | 10411 | Water Treatment Equipment: 3 Parkson Aqua-Gard Bar Screens and 3 Parkson Aqua-Wash Press Screwpresses | NOT AWARDED | | 10412 | Water Utilities Day Tank Generator, Fuel Pump, Sand Blaster, and 3 ton Hoist | $858 | | 10413 | ISS Servers and Radios Lot | $3,057 | | 10414 | ISS Legacy Computers and Printers Lot | $1,022 | | 10415 | ISS 117 Locked and Unlocked Iphones | $1,090 | Year : 2020 (66)
|  Vehicle Type : 01-Cars (3)
| | 10644 | 2009 CHEVROLET MALIBU Car, Mid-Size, Hybrid | 2,015.00 | | 10645 | LOT OF 2005 CHEVROLET IMPALA & 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA | 2,801.00 |
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