CCNA Certification
with Palm Beach County
Certified firms are required to report changes of address and any significant changes to manpower, capabilities, work category qualifications, or firm ownership and provide copies of corporate and/or professional license renewals.
Qualification data must be updated, when conditions alter and either
increase or decrease a certified firm's capabilities, and/or when requested by the County.
It is requested that firms resubmit their CCNA certification package ANNUALLY to keep records current. Older certifications may not be included in the online list.
CCNA Certified Firms
Application Instructions:
1. Complete Consultant Certification Application (Form I) with a signature by a corporate officer. Check all categories for which you want certification. Leave the date certified blank.
2. Complete Professional Consultant Qualification Application (Form 10-1.10). Additional pages may be added to include additional information. The final page shall be executed by a corporate officer.
*Note: Descriptions of experience must list in detail the portions of the project completed by the submitting firm. Experience must reference the work done that backs up the category for which certification is requested (i.e. if electrical certification is requested, specifically state the electrical component of the project completed by firm).
3. Attach all relevant backup data to the application package as necessary.
- Professional licenses
- Firm Certificate of Authorization
- Firm Corporate License
- Resumes (optional)
4. Submit application package
Via Email:
Send PDF file to
Via Mail:
Send an unbound copy to:
Palm Beach County Engineering
Roadway Production Division
CCNA Certification
Attn: Contracts Section
2300 N. Jog Road - 3rd Floor West
W. Palm Beach, FL 33411
Questions regarding the Certification process may be sent to JaeAnn Dean at
or by calling (561) 684-4150.
* Note: To update an existing CCNA certification follow steps 1-4 above. When preparing the update application, include all existing as well as new categories of certification on Form I as well as Form 10-1.10. The updated application will completely replace any existing certification on file once it is approved.