
Construction Contract Bids

This section administers, coordinates, bids construction contracts for the Engineering and Public Works Department.

Engineering Department Construction Bids 

​Professional Service Selections

Administers, coordinates, schedules and monitors the Consultant Selection Process from adv​ertisement through negotiations including CCNA certification (if applicable).  

Engineering Department Selections

Continuing Service Contracts​

Continuing Service contracts are awarded for up to a 3 year term.

The two types of continuing service contracts are design contracts which are consultants selected through the CCNA process, and construction contracts which are competitively bid.

The Engineering Department's current continuing service contracts (design & construction) are listed here along with their Board of County Commissioners' resolution numbers.

Engineering Department Continuing Service Contracts are posted below. 

​In accordance with the provisions of the ADA, documents may be requested in an alternative format here.

 CCNA Certification

CCNA Certification

with Palm Beach County


Certified firms are required to report changes of address and any significant changes to manpower, capabilities, work category qualifications, or firm ownership and provide copies of corporate and/or professional license renewals.  

Qualification data must be updated, when conditions alter and either increase or decrease a certified firm'​s capabilities, and/or when req​uested by the County. ​

It is  requested that firms resubmit their CCNA certification package ANNUALLY​ to keep records current.  Older certifications may not be included in the online list.


 ​CCNA Certified Firms


 Application Instructions:

1. Complete Consultant Certification Application (Form I) with a signature by a corporate officer.  Check all categories for which you want certification.  Leave the date certi​fied blank.

2. Complete Professional Consultant Qualification Application (Form 10-1.10).  Additional pages may be added to include additional information.  The final page shall be executed by a corporate officer.

*Note: Descriptions of experience must list in detail the portions of the project completed by the submitting firm.  Experience must reference the work done that backs up the category for which certification is requested (i.e. if electrical certification is requested, specifically state  the electrical component of the project completed by firm).

 3. Attach all relevant backup data to the application package as necessary.

  • Professional licenses
  • Firm Certificate of Authorization
  • Firm Corporate License
  • Resumes (optional)

4. Submit application package 

Via Email:

Send PDF file toJAdean@pbc.gov


Via Mail:

Send an unbound copy to:

Palm Beach County Engineering 
Roadway Production Division
CCNA Certification

Attn: Contracts Section
2300 N. Jog Road - 3rd Floor West
 W. Palm Beach, FL 33411 


Questions regarding the Certification process may be sent to JaeAnn Dean at 
or by calling (561) 684-4150.


* Note: To update an existing CCNA certification follow steps 1-4 above.  When preparing the update application, include all existing as well as new categories of certification on Form I as well as Form 10-1.10.  The updated application will completely replace any existing certification on file once it is approved.

 Professional Continuing Service Contracts

Team Details of Current Professional Services Continuing Contracts (6/25/24)​​​

​Eng Svcs & Grant Support

Project #2022062

​Expiration 8/21/26

Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc.

R2023-1046 Original Contract

CORE Engineering Group, LLC

R2023-1045 Original Contract

Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.

R2023-1044 Original Contract​​


Project #2022050

Expiration 5/16/25

Masse Consulting Services, LLC

 R2022-0463 Original Contract

Keith and Associates, Inc., d/b/a KEITH

 R2022-0462 Original Contract

Civil Design, Inc.

R2022-0461 Original Contract

Mock Roos & Associates, Inc.

R2022-0464 Original Contract

Project #2024055

Expiration TBD

Civil Design, Inc.

Original Contract - Pending

HBC Engineering Company

 Original Contract - Pending​

Keshavarz & Associates, Inc.

 Original Contract - Pending​

Masse Consulting Services, LLC

 Original Contract - Pending​

Michael B. Schorah and Associates, Inc.

 Original Contract - Pending

Mock Roos & Associates, Inc.

Original Contract - Pending

Intersection Improvements

Project #2022058

​Expiration 4/17/26

Masse Consulting Services, LLC

R2023-0477 Original Contract

HSQ Group, Inc.

R2023-0476​ Original Contract

Traffic Signal

Project #2022059

​Expiration 6/5/26

HBC Engineering Company

R2023-0725 Original Contract

Simmons & White, Inc.

R2023-0724 ​Original Contract​


Project #2023051
Expiration 11/20/26

HBC Engineering Company

R2023-1667 Original Contract


Project #2022057

​Expiration 3/13/26​

Alan Gerwig & Assoc, Inc.

R2023-0260 Original Contract
        ​Assignment to GM2 - PENDING

R.J. Behar & Co, Inc.

R2023-0261 Original Contract

Kimley-Horn and Assoc, Inc.

R2023-0263 Original Contract

Scalar Consulting Group, Inc.

R2023-0262 Original Contract


Project #2023​050

​Expiration 10/2/26

RADISE International, LC

 R2023-1428 Original Contract

GFA International, Inc. dba Universal Engineering Sciences

R2023-1430 Original Contract

Thomas Geotechnical Services, LLC

R2023-1429 Original Contract

Pacifica Engineering Services, LLC

R2023-1427 Original Contract


Project #2024056 (prev 2024050)
Expiration 6/10/27

Mehta and Associates, Inc.

R2024-0670 Original Contract

CHA Consulting, Inc

R2024-0669 Original Contract

 Construction Continuing Service Contracts

Milling & Resurfacing

Project #2024050
Expiration 12/31/25​

2024050 Bid T​abulations

Ranger Construction Industries, Inc.

R2024-0748 Original Contract

M&M Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. (dba All County Paving)

R2024-0746 Original Contract

Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc.

R2024-0747 ​Original Contract


Project #2022055  
Expiration 5/15/26

2022055 Bid Tabulations

A Cut Above Landscape & Maintenance, Inc.

R2023-0624 Original Contract
R2024-1175 Amendment 1

Pathway & Minor

Project #2022063​

​Expiration 3/13/26

2022063 Bid ​Tabulations

​Pavement Marking

Project #2023054
Expiration 10/1/25

2023054 Bid ​Tabulations​

Southwide Industries, Inc.

​R2024​-0343 ​Original Contract


Project #2022054 
Expiration 4/17/26​

2022054 Bid Tabulation​s

Southeast Highway Guardrail & Attenuators, LLC

R2023-0539 Original Contract
​R2024-0618 Amendment 1

Small Paving and Minor

Project #2022053 
Expiration ​12​/19/25​

2022053 B​id Tabulations

Wynn & Sons Environmental Const. Co, Inc.​

R2022-1490 Original Contract 
R2023-1840 Amendment 1
​R2024-0421 ​Amendment 2

Saffold Paving, Inc.

R2022-1489 Original Contract 
R2024-0420 Amendment 1​​


​Drainage & Minor

Project #2023055
Expiration 9/4/25

2023055 Bid Tabulations

Johnson-Davis, Inc.

R2024-0211 Original Contract

Hinterland Group, Inc.

R2024-021​2 Original Contract

Traffic Signal

Project #2022052
Expiration 8/22/25

2022052 Bid Tabulations

Gerelco Traffic Controls, Inc.

R2022-0791 Original Contract
R2024-0882 Amendment 1

Horsepower Electric, Inc.

R2022-0792 Original Contract