Mining WorkshopsUpdate - August 29, 2011
Back to Zoning Archived News Releases At the BCC Zoning Meeting on Monday, August 29, 2011, Commissioner Vana raised the question about moving forward with mining ULDC amendments pending the final outcome of the 4th DCA rulings. The Commissioners agreed to put a hold on any further discussions or action on the facilitation until the 4th action is complete. We will resume discussions after we get further BCC direction, once the 4th has ruled and we know whether there are further appeals or not.
On November 30, 2010, the BCC approved contracts with Rafael Montalvo and Jean Scott, with assistance from Jim Murley, to provide facilitation and staffing assistance through a series of up to four consensus building public workshops; participation in the presentation of recommendations and findings to the BCC workshop; to the Land Development Regulation Advisory Board (LDRAB); and, at BCC public hearings for ULDC amendments, where applicable.
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Date | Meetings | January 5, 2011 | Consensus Building Workshop #1 (See above) | February 8, 2011 | Consensus Building Workshop #2 (See above) | March 25, 2011 | Consensus Building Workshop #3 (See above) | April 12, 2011 |
BCC Workshop | July 12, 2011 |
BCC Agenda Item Summary – Staff Request for Board Direction | Pending | LDRAB (Land Development Regulation Advisory Board)
Pending | Pending | BCC Zoning Hearing - Request for Permission to Advertise
Pending | Pending | BCC Zoning Hearing – 1st Reading
Pending | Pending | BCC Zoning Hearing – 2nd Reading
Pending | Pending | Effective Date of ULDC Amendments
Pending | August 29, 2011 | At the BCC Zoning Meeting on Monday, August 29, 2011, Commissioner Vana raised the question about moving forward with mining ULDC amendments pending the final outcome of the 4th DCA rulings. The Commissioners agreed to put a hold on any further discussions or action on the facilitation until the 4th action is complete.
We will resume discussions after we get further BCC direction, once the 4th has ruled and we know whether there are further appeals or not.
Thanks to everyone for their time, input and great cooperation. | August 31, 2011 | Mining Moratorium Expires |
Related Documents/LinksPalm Beach County Documents
Disclaimer:The following documents or web-links have been posted to provide additional information related to Mining issues in Florida. The County takes no position on the content or viewpoints contained therein and as such, they may not necessarily reflect the County’s position on Mining issues.
Rock Mining Operation Effects on Water Quality in the EAA, Everglades Foundation, G. Melodie Naja, January 8, 2010
Rock Mining in the Everglades Agricultural Area, Clean Water Fund, October 2010
Review and Summary of Mining Regulations of Florida Counties, Lee County Community Development, January 2008
2009 FDOT Strategic Resource Evaluation Study, Highway Construction Materials - Aggregate, The Balmoral Group, September 2009
2007 FDOT Strategic Aggregates Study, Lampl Herbert, March 12, 2007 |