Evaluation and Appraisal Report 2012


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Every seven years, each local government must evaluate its comprehensive plan to determine if plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements, and notify the state land planning agency as to its determination. The most recent evaluation and appraisal for the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan was completed in October, 2012, and necessary amendments were transmitted for State review in Round 13-1, within the timeframe required by State statute.

Note:  Palm Beach County previously began work on an Evaluation and Appraisal Report in 2010, pursuant to the rules in place at that time, and a draft report was completed. With the 2011 state legislative session, the requirements for an evaluation and appraisal were substantially revised, and a new schedule was issued. The 2012 Evaluation and Appraisal was prepared pursuant to these new requirements and schedule. Additional information is available on the state website:

Florida Department of Economic Opportunity – Evaluation and Appraisal Information