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How do I find out what projects are out for bid?
Go to
Upcoming Construction Bids or
Current Construction Bids or check the Sunday edition of the Palm Beach Post, Classifieds - Legal Section.
Are there any special requirements for bidding on a County project?
Yes. It can vary with each project. The main criteria is that the contractor and all the sub-contractors must be licensed to do work in Palm Beach County. A current State License or a current Palm Beach County Certificate of Competency for the type of construction being bid on is an absolute requirement.
Is a Bid Bond required?
Bid security is required and a Bond is the usual method.
What are the County's minority or small business requirements?
Most County projects have small business goals that must be considered. For additional information you can visit the
Palm Beach County Office of Equal Business Opportunity (OEBO)
What is the difference between an RFP, (Request for Proposal), and an Advertisement for Bid?
An RFP is issued for projects either for a design consultant or construction manager and proposals are evaluated without regard to price. It is a solicitation to submit a proposal for the project as described in the scope. An Advertisement for Bid is after the project has passed the design phase and is ready to go under construction. It is advertised in the paper and some construction data websites. The general information is provided and if the contractor chooses to bid on it, he/she must follow the directions in the bid package..
Who do I contact if I have questions about a County project out for bid or an RFP?
Use the CID
Phone Directory if you know who the project manager is or you can call
561-233-0260 for general information.
Where do consultants go to get certified with the County to respond to RFP's?
Firms and their sub-consultants submitting proposals to provide professional services to the County must be certified. For information go to Design Professional.
What does the acronym CCNA stand for?
"Consultant Competitive Negotiation Act".
What process is used to choose the design professional after the RFP has been responded to?
Firms are evaluated based upon a predetermined criteria. Written proposals are requested and normally three firms are short listed and invited to make verbal presentations. For information go to
Design Professional
What process is used to determine the contractor on construction projects after bids have been received? Is it always the lowest bidder?
The bids are opened in public, at which time all bid proposals are recorded as are the other required paperwork associated with the bid. With very few exceptions, PBC construction contracts have minimum small business goals. After the bids are opened and recorded, copies are sent to the Office of Small Business Assistance, where a determination is made if the goals have been met by the bidders. It is not always the lowest bidder, but a combination of the bidder who is responsive to the requirements as stated in the bid documents, the construction price, and the ability to meet the SBE goals determines the successful bidder. Preference is also given to local firms. Go to
Upcoming Construction Bids or
Current Construction Bids
Where is your office located?
North of Okeechobee Boulevard ½ mile West of the Florida Turnpike in the Vista Center in West Palm Beach. See:
Map To Our Office CID Directory: |