The Research and Planning Unit has assembled a number of interactive data tables using Tableau software as part of its Data Dashboard Project. The data tables, linked below, contain criminal justice data related to criminal offenses, arrests, law enforcement, the court system, and corrections. We encourage you to explore these interactive data tables by using the built-in filters and highlighters. Users may also download the entire workbook for further exploration and manipulation.

Criminal Justice data is also available online through numerous state government websites. For example, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Florida Statistical Analysis Center analyzes criminal offense and arrest data in each of Florida's 67 counties.

The Office of the State Courts Administrator maintains court statistics from all judicial circuits in Florida including the 15th Judicial Circuit (Palm Beach County). Data includes court filings, court dispositions and clearance rates.

The Bureau of Research and Data Analysis at the Florida Department of Corrections collects and maintains jail data including the average daily population, incarceration rate, average length of stay, and admissions/releases. This data is available for jails across the state and in Palm Beach County at the Department of Corrections website.

Safety and Justice ChallengeFunding for the Tableau software used for the Data Dashboard Project was purchased through grant funds from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge. The Foundation's Safety and Justice Challenge recognizes that there are better, fairer, and more effective alternatives to excessive jail incarceration. The Safety and Justice Challenge is supporting a network of competitively selected local jurisdictions committed to finding ways to safely reduce jail incarceration. Palm Beach County was chosen as 1 of the 20 initial sites for the Challenge. Jurisdictions participating in the Challenge develop and model effective ways to keep people out of jail who don't belong there, more effectively reintegrating those who must be confined into the community upon release, and help them stay out of jail thereafter. In doing so, they will demonstrate alternatives to incarceration as usual, creating models for reducing unnecessary jail use to make communities healthier, fairer, and safer.

Tableau Data Dashboards


Research and Planning Unit


​​FDLE (Crime in Florida)
FDLE (Crime in Florida)
FBI (Crime in the United States)
FBI (Crime in the United States)
FBI (Crime in the United States)


Preliminary Annual Report
Final Annual Report

 Anticipated Release Dates
