
Palm Beach County Mobility Planning Summit 2021

​Palm Beach County invites you to share your point of view and visionary ideas as we move into the future together and start to strategically plan out how we can make efficient and clear decisions regarding mobility. Together we will address the challenges of accommodating continued population and employment growth, improving roadway safety, managing congestion, and providing alternative travel choices to our residents, workers and visitors, all within limited budgets and limited capacity for roadway expansion.

About the Palm Beach County Mobility Planning Summit:

This highly engaging virtual summit will include a transportation overview as it relates to mobility planning and will address key topics in our county such as decision making guides and how we ensure both county and local revenues can support and maintain infrastructure. John Streitmatter, Director of Leadership Research Institute, and Collaborative Labs will infuse opportunities for participants voices to be heard, including the use of real-time polling.

Participants will be engaged by Ron Milam, the Director of Evolving the Status Quo at Fehr & Peers, a national transportation planning and engineering firm, discusses disruptive trends in transportation and the potential effect of these changes on travel behavior and roadway infrastructure planning and financing. The summit will also feature two sessions with participants broken up into groups for roundtable discussions, led by John Streitmatter, Director of Leadership Research Institute, on a range of topics including:

  • How do we make efficient and clear decisions regarding mobility, recognizing that the system is highly interconnected and there are a number of governing bodies who have a credible point of view?

  • How do we ensure both county and local revenues can support and maintain infrastructure and address local mobility desires?​​​​​​

Speaker Bios​​

Professional headshot of John Streitmatter  
John Streitmatter

John R. Streitmatter, MBA, is a Director at the Leadership Research Institute (LRI) who specializes in building leader credibility in the midst of turbulent market and organizational dynamics.

Professional headshot of Ronald T. Milam 
Ron Milam

Ronald T. Milam, AICP, PTP, is a Principal with Fehr & Peers. He is actively involved in a wide variety of project work but also finds time to co-lead the firm’s research and development efforts.​​​


Summit Materials

Collaborative Labs logo Expert facilitators in strategic collaboration.
Collaborative Labs

The executive management team at Collaborative Labs will oversee the design and execution of PBC’s virtual summit, by facilitating team sessions, engaging participants though collaborative technology, and producing a comprehensive written and visual Real-Time Record™ to serve as a strategic roadmap for success.​​​​​​​​​​​

Collaborative Labs drawing​​​