Revitalization, Redevelopment, & Infill Overlay (RRIO)


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The Board of County Commissioners has identified Revitalization, Redevelopment, and Infill (RRI) as priorities and has embarked on several initiatives to encourage these efforts. In 1999, the County, with the assistance of the Countywide Community Revitalization Team (CCRT), created the Revitalization and Redevelopment Overlay (RRO) in conjunction with the adoption of the Managed Growth Tier System (MGTS) to depict areas of focus for revitalization and redevelopment efforts. The CCRT areas within the RRO were identified as areas that could benefit from neighborhood revitalization efforts. The CCRT efforts have and continue to involve a partnership of local residents, the County, and other interested stakeholders committed to reversing distressed neighborhood conditions and promoting the creation of desirable and safe places to live, work, and play.

The commitment to neighborhood revitalization efforts was further reinforced in 2001 when the Community Revitalization Section was created under the Planning Division. In October 2003, the section became the Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) under County Administration. The OCR is responsible for developing and recommending revitalization strategies as well as providing technical and financial resources for distressed neighborhoods in unincorporated Palm Beach County. Based on the recommendations of the August 2003 CCRT Focus Areas Study and Recommendations Report, the BCC endorsed OCR’s recommendation to expand the number of CCRT targeted areas to a total of 104.

Furthermore, in 2005 the County designated the Urban Redevelopment Area (URA) to facilitate and encourage revitalization, redevelopment and infill activities. The URA is an 11,467-acre sub-region in central Palm Beach County that has the distinct characteristics of an older area that could benefit from the implementation of revitalization, redevelopment, and infill (RRI) programs. The URA, with its urbanized environment and large number of CCRT areas, is a fitting locale for the testing and implementation of RRI policies.

Additionally, the RRO depicted on Map Series map LU.1.1 Managed Growth Tier System (MGTS) was modified to only include the 104 CCRT designated areas and the URA boundaries to reflect areas that are targeted for comprehensive and coordinated assistance.

Furthermore, the RRO in the Comprehensive Plan was renamed to the Revitalization, Redevelopment, and Infill Overlay (RRIO) and its associated policies were updated to include infill considerations and reflect current conditions.

Along with the formal designation of the URA, three (3) street corridors within the URA have been targeted for specific detailed planning. They are known as the Priority Redevelopment Areas (PRAs) and include the Military Trail Corridor, the Congress Avenue Corridor, and the Lake Worth Road Corridor (more detailed information can be found by accessing the links to the Infill and Redevelopment Study and the Priority Redevelopment Area located on the left of this page).

Lastly, the County is engaged in R.R.I. efforts to facilitate the revitalization, redevelopment, and infill initiatives in the Lake Worth Road Commercial Corridor area. Please see the link to the left regarding these efforts.


Infill Study
Office of Community Revitalization(OCR)/CCRT Areas
Urban Redevelopment Area
Lake Worth Park of Commerce Urban Redevelopment Area
Lake Worth Commercial Corridor
Westgate/Belvedere Homes Community Redevelopment Area 

Comprehensive Plan Policies and Amendments:

Urban Redevelopment Area Designation Report
Westgate CRA Bonus Density Report
Westgate Site Specific Report
Westgate TCEA Report
Future Land Use Element RRIO Report