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Native Vegetation Removal


At one time, Palm Beach County was a vast pristine habitat - with over 1 million acres of unique native vegetation communities such as beach dunes, mangrove swamps, hardwood hammocks, sandy scrub lands, pine flatwoods, freshwater marshes, cypress swamps, and  wet prairies.  Over the past 2 centuries, drainage, development, and building has forever changed the vegetation communities throughout the county.   Since 1987, ERM has regulated native vegetation through the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) Article 14.C, Vegetation Preservation and Protection and 14.D, Prohibited Invasive Non-native Vegetation Removal to limit unnecessary native vegetation removal, promote the use of native vegetation in landscape plans, and eradicate invasive nonnative vegetation. 

ERM has preserved, relocated, and replaced hundreds of thousands of native trees and plants impacted by development.