Back to Natural Areas List Rosemary Scrub
2901 N. Seacrest Boulevard, Boynton Beach 
Home to Palm Beach County's rarest habitat - the Florida Scrub
Open Sunrise to Sunset, 365 Days a Year
At a Glance
Good Things Come in Small PackagesOne of our smallest natural areas, the 14-acre Rosemary Scrub is named for a plant related to a familiar cooking herb – the Florida rosemary. Other plants found on the site include netted pawpaw, cabbage palm, nodding pinweed, and several species of native bromeliads.
Features - Red Bay Trail (paved) 0.16 miles
- Gopher Apple Trail (sandy) 0.25 miles
- Native plant species found here include:
Curtiss' milkweed, large-flowered rosemary, nodding pinweed, giant sword fern, shell-mound pricklypear, and wild pine airplants - Native animal species found here include:
Florida scrub lizard, gopher tortoise, American redstart, Cooper's hawk, merlin, osprey, and painted bunting