At a Glance
Wetland Wonderland
This 772-acre site includes mesic flatwoods, wet flatwoods, hydric hammock, wet prairie, depression marsh, and dome swamp, with wetland ecosystems covering almost half the area . The natural area attracts many birds, including bald eagle, red-shouldered hawk, and Florida sandhill crane. Other animals sighted include bobcat, southern cricket frog, and eastern box turtle.
- Trailer parking at 40th Street North
- 2 mile loop riding trail
- To access the riding trails, click
Riding Rules
1. Equestrian use is by permit only. All riders must comply with these rules, the natural area rules posted on the welcome sign, and any specific permit conditions.
2. Lock the gate immediately after entering or leaving. Do not give the combination to other people.
3. Stay on designated riding trail, lands adjacent are environmentally sensitive and can easily be damaged.
4. Horses are not permitted in the eastern part of the site or on the hiking trails. Riders have the right of way on the section of trail shared with hikers and if maintenance vehicles are present on the equestrian trail.
5. Accompany your horseback-riding guests (maximum of two guests per permit) at all times.
6. Carry permit card and proof of a negative Coggins test and present them upon request
7. Do not tie or hitch horses to trees or shrubs, or allow horses to graze on or otherwise damage vegetation. 8. Horses must be under control at all times. No galloping, running, or racing. Ride at your own risk. For your protection, a riding helmet is recommended.
9. All horses must walk when approaching or passing others. If riding abreast, one horse must yield to a passing horse. Horses known to kick must wear red ribbons on their tails.