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Lake Park Scrub
North side of Silver Beach Road, 1/4 mile east of Congress Avenue in Lake Park
Visit the white sands of this scrub habitat that was once called "Silver Beach"
Open Sunrise to Sunset, 365 Days a Year
At a Glance
Visit nature's silver lining
This 56-acre site consists of three native South Florida ecosystems: scrub, scrubby flatwoods, and mesic flatwoods. In the late 1800s this area was known as "Silver Beach" because the scrub habitat reached down to the shoreline of Lake Worth (current Lake Worth Lagoon and Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway) creating a white sandy beach.
- Native South Florida plants include: Banded wild pine, Common wild pine, Giant wild pine, Reflexed wild pine, Nodding pinweed, and Large-flowered rosemary
- Native South Florida animals include: Gopher tortoise, American Redstart, and Osprey
- Former railroad and buildings from the 1920s in northeast section of site
- Former wet prairie habitat in the southwest section of the site
- Designated site of the
Florida Greenways and Trails System
Before You Go
This site is accessible by pedestrian traffic only.
There is no designated parking area.