repairing street light

I want to ...

 Who Owns the Road?

Roadways can be owned by a number of different entities. 

We maintain Palm Beach County owned rights-of-way only.​

Issues within State owned rights-of-way can be directed to the Florida Department of Transportation - District IV.

Issues within municipality owned rights-of-way can be directed to the municipality.

There are also privately owned rights-of-way within the county and maintenance is the responsibility of the private owner.

Our Road Atlas or online GIS system can help determine the owner of the right-of-way.


Roadway Plans

Our Reprographics Section stores roadway plans, aerials, and project files.  Their office is located at
Vista Center - 3rd Floor
2300 N. Jog Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33411

Phone: 561-684-4045

Our Roadway Production Division can also assist with finding final roadway plans.





Have Dirt Road Repaved

Our Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) program administered by our Local Roads​ Section designs and paves roads in unincorporated areas for neighborhoods in favor of the paving through a neighborhood assessment.

Phone: 561-684-4150 Sandra Ospina


Install Speed Bumps

Our Traffic Division evaluates these requests based on criteria that includes roadway traffic volume, average vehicle speed, and crash history. Neighborhood consensus supporting the installation of the speed humps is also required.

Email: Engineering Action Center

Phone: 561-684-4030





Have Road Repaved

Our Road and Bridge Division works diligently to repave and maintain our County owned roadways.

Please call us with as much information on the location as possible and the request will be evaluated by the Road Section.



Install Traffic Signal

Our Tr​​affic Division evaluates the need for a new signal based upon numerous factors which include:

  • Is the intersection in the County's jurisdiction?
  • Has a traffic study verified that the MUTCD warrants are met?
  • Have FDOT policies for installing a signal been met?
  • Are there special driver needs at the location?
  • Other site specific factors.

Email:Engineering Action Center

Phone: 561-684-4030​


Construct a Driveway

Driveway permits are handled through our Land Development Division ...

Phone: 561-684-4090



Do something else not listed here...


Please contact our Engineering Action Center


Email:Engineering Action Center

Phone: 561-684-4012
