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  • Maintains 3,500 lane miles paved roads
  • 63 miles shell rock roads
  • 25 miles milling roadways
  • 190 miles asphalt pathways
  • 1,200 miles concrete sidewalks
  • 2,500 acres mowed rights of ways

Maintenance activities include, but are not limited to, grading county maintained shell rock roads, patching potholes, mowing right of ways, repairing pathways and sidewalks, clean and maintain storm drain systems, cleaning drainage ditches, removing and or trimming trees (safety-related), and responding to citizen inquiries and complaints about our services. After hours emergency service available through the Emergency Operating Center.


spyder digging unit 

A variety of specialized equipment like this "Spyder" is used to clean ditches



drainage improvement 

Also shown is a drainage improvement project the Road Section accomplished



 Contact Us

Craig Lloyd

Road Superintendent

Brian Powell

Asst. Road Superintendent