Senior Services Newsletter
Program & Services
ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMS: Book discussion groups, arts and crafts, creative writing and language classes, drawing, china and one-stroke painting, ceramics, wood carving, quilting, crochet, knitting, mahjong, bridge, cards, billiards and bingo.
HEALTH PROMOTION: Health education classes and screenings on preventive health issues, blood pressure clinics, an annual Health and Safety Fair.
TRAVEL: Day trips and luncheons are organized to local restaurants and venues.
LIBRARY: Book Mobile provides a library of books and language CD's; as well as on-site library.
RECREATION/FITNESS: Fitness and recreation classes, dance classes and chair exercises.
TAX AIDE PROGRAM: In conjunction with AARP, provide free income tax completion & filing for seniors.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Dances, crafts, birthday and holiday events, sing-a-longs and on site entertainment; as well as Defensive Driving classes.
Open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
No membership or fee is required
Confidential registration form required
Minimal fees for some classes
For additional information, please call
(561) 355-4746 or visit one of the Division of Senior Services Senior Centers in your area.