
< February 2025 >
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  What Your Primary Care Social Worker Can Do For You
  Resource: What Your Primary Care Social Worker Can Do For You

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U.S. Military Armed Services Crests

Avoid scammers and pension poachers.  The Department of Veterans Affairs​ states:
 "In general, no individual or organization may charge you a fee to help you file your initial application for benefits."​

Veterans Crisis Line copy.jpg
If you need of imme​diate assistance,​
please contact the Veterans Crisis Line. Dial 988 then press 1. 
​You can also click this link Military Crisis Line (veteranscrisisline.net)

​​ ​​ Who We Are and How We Help    

Palm Beach County's Veterans Services Officers assist and counsel former and current members of the Armed Forces who reside in Palm Beach County. 

Our services include assistance in preparing and filing claims for benefits for which veterans are entit​led under federal, state, and local laws. Dependents and survivors of present or former members of the Armed Forces may also be eligible for the services of this program. ​

Find the free assistance that you need by clicking the links below or by contacting one of Palm Beach County's Veterans Services Officers. Scroll down to make an appointment at one of our regional Palm Beach County locations.



​Get Help From An Accredited Repr​esentative | Veterans Affairs (va.gov)
Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs Benefits Guide | (floridavets.org)
Non Service Connected Pension​​​ w/Aid and Attendance
​Additional Resources and Contact Numbers
Video Icon Compensation 101: How Did I Get This Rating
Your VA Claim Exam: Know What's Next​​


Make an appointment with a Veterans Services Officer​
​Locations and Directions​

Meet the Staff


Rohn Hultgren served as an Infantryman in the Army from 2006 to 2012 with multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan. He was awarded a Purple Heart for wounds received in combat. He holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of Charleston West Virginia. He is currently a Veteran Service Officer with Palm Beach County and is accredited by the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs (FDVA) and the American Legion.

Schedule an appointment with Rohn

Email: RHultgre@pbc.gov

Phone: 561-276-1272

Region: Palm Beach Gardens, Riviera Beach


Thomas Schubert served in the Army from 2013-2019 as an Automated Logistical Specialist and then as a Behavioral Health Specialist. He earned an Associates in Science from Palm Beach State College. He is currently a Veteran Service Officer with Palm Beach County and is accredited by the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs (FDVA) and the American Legion.

Schedule an appointment with Thomas

Email: tschubar@pbc.gov

Phone: ​561-694-5459​

Region: Jupiter, Jupiter Farms, Tequesta, North Palm Beach


Jason St. John served as an Infantryman in the U.S. Marines from 2005 to 2020 with multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan.  He holds an Associate Degree in Computer Animation from The Art Institutes Int'l of MN.  He is currently a Veteran​​ Service officer with Palm Beach County and is accredited by the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs (FDVA) and the American Legion.

​​Schedule an appointment with Jason

Email: JStJohn1@pbc.gov

Phone: 561-357-7110

Region: Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton​​​​​​​

 Veterans Services Event Calendar

<February 2025>

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Join a bi-monthly virtual meeting to learn about social work resources for veterans and dependants. Phone Conference: +1 872-701-0185 Meeting ID: 250 143 158



Veterans Services Directory

 Local Veteran Spotlight

​Check back soon to learn more about a local veteran. 


Do you know a local veteran who deserves the spotlight? 

Contact us at 

Please use the subject line: Veteran Spotlight

 Last Updated

​February 12, 2024​