​Home Delivered Meals

Meals are delivered to seniors age sixty (60) and older who are unable to prepare their own meals, cannot shop for food, and do not have anyone to prepare meals or shop for them. 


Congregate Meals

To meet the nutritional needs of the elderly, DOSS has established numerous Senior Meal Sites. A complete senior meal and nutrition education is provided. Seniors age sixty (60) and older are encouraged to dine together in a social atmosphere. Meals are served Monday through Friday. Reservations must be made at least one (1) working day in advance. For additional information, or a DOSS Congregate Meal Site location near you, please call 561-355-4746.


The Congregate Meals Program could not function without the assistance that many participants offer.  Programming, table setting, serving, cleaning up, and record keeping duties are shared by persons who are willing to volunteer.  Your offer to help would be gratefully received.


Congregate Meal Site Locations:

Click here for the Meal Site Locations



Funding is under the Federal Older Americans' Act along with funds provided by the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners.


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