Impact Fee Review Committee Overview


AUTHORITY: Unified Land Development Code, Section 17.11:

APPOINTING AUTHORITY: Board of County Commissioners (BCC)

COMPOSITION, QUALIFICATIONS, TERMS AND REMOVAL: This Committee shall be composed of seven members and three alternative members: three representatives from municipalities within PBC, three representatives from the business community, and one member selected at large. The alternate members shall include one representative from each of the three categories above. An alternate member shall be authorized to vote in place of an absent voting member appointed from the same category and shall count toward quorum. Members of the Committee shall be qualified electors of Palm Beach County for two years prior to appointment. No member of the BCC or County employee including commission aides, except the Impact Fee Manager, shall serve on the Committee. All Impact Fee Committee members shall serve a term of three years. There shall be no limit on the number of terms a person may serve on the Committee. The maximum number of boards and commissions that a person appointed by the BCC may serve on at one time shall be three. Members of the Committee shall not be prohibited from qualifying as a candidate for elected office. Any member who fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings or two-thirds of the meetings within a calendar year shall automatically forfeit the appointment, and the BCC shall promptly fill such vacancy. Participation for less than three-fourths of a meeting shall constitute lack of attendance. Any appointment to fill any vacancy shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of office. Members shall receive no compensation for their services. Travel reimbursements are limited to expenses incurred only for travel outside Palm Beach County necessary to fulfill responsibilities of the membership on the Committee.

MEETINGS: General meetings of the Committee shall be held as needed consistent with its powers and duties.

FUNCTIONS: Submit a report to the BCC whenever PBC conducts a full review or update of the impact fee system relating to: implementation of Art. 13, Impact Fees; actual levels of service for the impact fees exacted in Art. 13; collection, encumbrance and expenditure of all impact fees collected pursuant to Art. 13; validity of the assumptions in the technical memoranda used to support the impact fee schedules in Art. 13; and any recommended amendment to Art. 13; review amendments to Art. 13 prior to their consideration by the BCC; and perform such other duties as the BCC deems appropriate.