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General Information​

Community Based Agencies (CBAs) are organizations that receive funding from the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners through its Youth Services Department. The Outreach and Community Programming Division monitors funded organizations for strict program compliance and service integrity.

The Department’s goals for the CBAs are to:

  • Provide direction and support to CBAs to ensure successful implementation of contract requirements
  • Ensure that the Youth Services Department’s funding supports programs that fill service gaps as indicated by the Comprehensive Community Youth Assessment

The Youth Services Department, along with other youth-serving partner agency members of the Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures coalition, participated in a collaborative process employing a collective impact framework to develop a Youth Master Plan (YMP) for Palm Beach County. The YMP, titled “Strengthening the Steps to Success,” and all its appendices are available at http://www.pbcbirthto22.com and http://www.pbcbirthto22.com/communitydata.htm.


To view the objectives for each action area identified in the Youth Master Plan (YMP), click here.


 COVID-19 Relief Fund

​Funders in Palm Beach County have joined together to establish a coordinated Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief and Recovery application process. This funding process will provide assistance to nonprofit organizations in Palm Beach County and Martin County whose staff, services and clients have been impacted by a disaster.  For more information, click here.

 Contact Us

Valerie Messineo

Senior Program Specialist

50 S Military Trail, Suite 203
West Palm Beach, FL 33415

(561) 242-5730  
