
In the Office of Resilience, we are focused on three main priorities:


South Florida is at risk for climate-related threats like flooding, which is exacerbated by sea-level rise, and extreme heat. We are already starting to see these impacts in coastal communities. We need to prepare for these threats now as we build buildings and plan for our communities. Here's how we are adapting to prepare for the future climate:

  • Partnered with Coastal Resilience Partnership to complete a vulnerability assessment of Southeast Palm Beach County
  • Received $1,800,000 to conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment and create a resilience action plan for unincorporated PBC and the western communities.
  • Implementing Capital Improvement Project Policy & Procedures Manual
  • Collaborated with regional partners to update the South Florida Regional Climate Action Plan 3.0


South Florida is at risk for climate-related threats like flooding, which is exacerbated by sea-level rise, and extreme heat. We are working to mitigate those impacts by taking action to limit global warming and its related effects. This involves working to reduce our carbon footprint with projects such as:

  • Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Increasing Energy Efficiency
  • Piloting Electric Vehicle Charging at County Facilities
  • Increasing the Use of Solar Power in PBC
  • Overseeing the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program

Sustainable Development & Actions

According to the Brundtland Commission, "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." This includes conserving natural resources like our aquifers and wetlands so that these ecosystems provide clean drinking water ​for generations to come. Sustainable development strives for equitable outcomes as well. We are working to be more sustainable in our planning and actions by:

  • Creating & maintaining living shorelines
  • Investing in green infrastructure
  • Reducing single-use plastic in County buildings
  • Increasing tree canopy as part of the Parks Re-Greening Master Plan
  • Recertified Silver with the Florida Green Building Coalition
  • Achieved LEED Gold Certification in December 2020
  • Achieved SolSmart Gold Status in 2020

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2019 Unified Sea Level Rise Projection for Southeast Florida    

     Unified SLR Projection Button.png    ​

​Regional Climate Action Plan 2.0


The Business Case for Resilience in Southeast Florida

The Business Case for Resilience.PNG 

