
​Comprehensive Plan Amendment Information

Welcome to the Palm Beach County Planning Division Amendment Information page. A key function of the Planning Division is to manage changes to the County’s Comprehensive Plan through the amendment process.

Amendment Schedules - The County processes future land use and text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan with intakes scheduled four times per year. Schedules for upcoming amendment rounds are posted online at the links below:​

 2025 Sche​dules

 2026 Sched​ules​​​​

Amendment Processing - The processing of amendments is subject to the procedures in the  Amendment Process Summary​ 

Amendment Application - The Application for Future Land Use Atlas (FLUA), Text and Map Series Amendments can be found on the Amendment Application page.

Public Hearing Notices - Each submitted application is included on the Active Amendments page. In addition, the subject site of the proposed amendment is posted with Public Notice signs during the amendment process. In addition, property owners within 500 feet ( or 1,000 feet for sites within the Exurban and Rural Tiers) and known interested parties receive a notification by mail within 15 days of the first public hearing.        

Agendas & Staff Reports - Proposed amendments are presented at a Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioner (BCC) public hearings. Small Scale amendments are subject to one BCC hearing, and Large Scale Amendments are subject to two public hearings. The Planning Commission page and the BCC Agendas and Minutes page provides the associated public hearing agendas & staff reports approximately one week prior to each public hearing.

Adopted Ordinances - Proposed amendments are adopted by Ordinance. Adopted ordinances & final staff reports are posted approximately one week after each adoption public hearing on the Ordinances page.​