Zoning - Preservation of Vegetation Return to FAQs List
 | Why does Zoning require Preservation of Vegetation? Answer:
 | When is Zoning preservation of vegetation required? Answer:
Zoning applications for Public Hearing and Development Review Officer (DRO) approvals may be conditioned to preserve native vegetation in addition to the required Vegetation Preservation and Protection under the provisions of Article 14, Environmental Standards. This conditioned preservation referred to as Zoning Vegetation Preservation. |
 | How does Zoning determine if Zoning Preservation of Vegetation is necessary for a project? Answer:
In conjunction with an active Public Hearing or DRO Zoning application, the Zoning Project Manager will coordinate an initial site inspection with Landscape Inspectors and Environmental Resource Management (ERM) staff to determine the site condition and whether or not vegetation preservation (Zoning Vegetation Preservation) is warranted. contact the Zoning Project Manager assigned to the project for additional questions. |
 | What type of Trees requires Zoning Preservation? Answer:
All native vegetation/trees that are not covered under the provisions of
Article 14, Environmental Standards, will be reviewed to determine whether or not the they need to be preserved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) or the Development Review Officer (DRO) as Conditions of Approval at time of development approval. |
 | Can an owner remove non-native vegetation before project approval? Answer:
No. The owner should not remove any vegetation before consulting with Zoning and/or ERM. Contact Zoning at 561-233-5200 and ERM at 561-233-2473, as soon as possible prior to any land clearing activities. |
 | What are the required documents for Zoning Vegetation Preservation? Answer:
In conjunction with an active Public Hearing or Development Review Officer (DRO) application, the Zoning Project Manager may require a Vegetation Disposition Chart and/or a Tree Survey, and other additional plans for final approval, as applicable. |
 | What is a Vegetation Disposition Chart? Answer:
A Vegetation Disposition Chart shall be submitted as a requirement for development or redevelopment approval. It is prepared to show the location, identify and label all existing native vegetation/trees and to identify those native trees that are to be preserved and protected during site development. |
 | Can the owner prepare the Vegetation Disposition Chart? Answer:
The Vegetation Disposition Chart and the Tree Survey and all proposed plans shall be prepared by a professional such as a certified or licensed Arborists, Surveyor, Engineer or Architect. |
 | What is ERM Vegetation Preservation and Protection? Answer:
In accordance with ULDC
Article 14, Chapter C, Environmental Resources Management (ERM) has the authority to require native trees to be preserved and protected when a site is being developed. This may require separate permits issued by ERM. The permit for Preservation of Vegetation issued by ERM are considered separate to the Zoning Preservation of Vegetation that may be conditioned on a site. |
 | Do I need to apply for a ERM Vegetation of Preservation permit? Answer:
Prior to any land clearing activities, the applicant should contact ERM to verify if a Vegetation Preservation and Protection application or other permit applications are required. Contact ERM at 561-233-2473. |
 | Who can I contact in ERM for questions about Vegetation Preservation and Protection? Answer:
All requirements and information regarding any Vegetation Preservation and Protection may be obtained by contacting ERM Staff directly at 561-233-2473. |
 | What is a Vegetation Barricade Permit? Answer:
Vegetation Barricade Permit is a permit issued through the Building Division and reviewed by Zoning Division to satisfy an existing Condition of Approval on a Development Order. The Vegetation Barricade Permit allows the owner to properly cordoned off and tag preserved trees and/or properly maintain relocated trees as indicated on the approved Vegetation Disposition Chart and the approved plans. |
 | Do I contact the Zoning Division for an application for a Vegetation Barricade Permit? Answer:
The Vegetation Barricade Permit application is processed through the Building
Division. However, a pre-application appointment is required with Zoning
Landscape staff to discuss the request prior to submitting the Building permit
application. Through Building Division, the Barricade permit will be routed to
Zoning Landscape Inspectors for review in conjunction with ERM Staff. |
 | Where can I download an application for a Vegetation Barricade Permit? Answer:
 | Is the Vegetation Barricade Permit considered a primary or sub-permit? Answer:
The Vegetation Barricade Permit is considered as a primary permit, as it is a standalone permit.
 | Who do I contact regarding the completion of the Barricade Permit forms? Answer:
Contact the Building Division Permit Technician at 561-233-5215 or the Building Division main number at 561-233-5000. |
 | Do I need to submit a Notice of Commencement (NOC) for this type of permit? Answer:
NOC is not required for this type of permit. The permit will be coordinated with the Zoning Division Landscape
Inspectors and ERM Staff to ensure that all requirements are met. |
 | Do I need to submit a Notice of Commencement (NOC) for Answer:
NOC is not required for this type of permit. The permit will be coordinated with the Zoning Division Landscape
Inspectors and ERM Staff to ensure that all requirements are met. |
 | Do I need inspections for the Vegetation Barricade Permit? Answer:
a final inspection must be scheduled and receive a “Pass” status by the
Landscape Inspectors once the protective barricades and tagging are complete.
All barricades and tagging must be consistent with the approved Vegetation
Disposition Chart and Site Plans.
 | Who do I call to schedule inspections for the Vegetation Barricade Permit? Answer:
An inspection may be scheduled by using the automated system by calling 561-355-2222, or 561-233-5037, Zoning Landscape inspectors, or by using the online ePZB Scheduler; the barricade permit number is required.
 | Who reviews the Vegetation Barricade application? Answer:
vegetation barricade permit is processed through the Building Division and then
be routed to the Zoning Landscape Inspectors for review along with designated
ERM Staff before approval. |
 | How long does it take to receive the Vegetation Barricade Permit? Answer:
If all documents are submitted in accordance with ULDC, Article 7.E, the application review may be completed within 10-15 working days. The Building Division will issue the permit after the first inspection and when all approvals have been received. |
 | What are the costs associated with the Vegetation Barricade Permit? Answer:
include permit fee and inspections fees. Contact Building Division for actual
costs. |
 | What are the consequence if a Barricade Permit is not submitted prior to land clearing or construction activity? Answer:
In accordance with the ULDC
Article 7.E, Existing Native Vegetation, Prohibited and Control Plant Species procedures, a flag will be placed in PZB system and no building permits will be issued for the site until the Barricade Permit is issued and received a “pass” status on the final inspection. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a Stop Work Order being placed on the site and potential fines assessed. |