Zoning - Landscape Process Return to FAQs List
 | Are there any zoning regulations regarding trees being planted too close to residential property lines? Answer:
are no zoning regulations requiring trees being planted at a certain distance
from property lines. It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain
trees so that they will not affect the adjacent residents. Any disagreement
with residential properties would be a civil matter. |
 | Can I remove existing trees, including palms and pines, from my property? Answer:
All non-residential sites are required to have a Tree Removal and Replacement permit to remove trees. Single-family developments must have a permit to remove perimeter buffer and common area trees. See
Article 7. F., Installation and Maintenance of the Unified Land. |
 | What are the consequences for violating the Landscaping Code? Answer:
A notice of violations shall be issued, in accordance with Article 7.G., Enforcement, of the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC). |
 | Can trees be planted in the Right-of-Way? Answer:
Street trees, and any other planting within the right-of-way easement shall be reviewed and approved, modified, or denied, by the Palm Beach County Engineering and Public Works Department, Streetscape Section. |
 | Can trees be planted in utility easements? Answer:
You must have written permission from the utility holder(s) to plant within the utility easement. The Landscape Inspectors of the Zoning Division maintain/keep records of the executed release agreements by the Utility holders. http://call811.com/map-page/florida
 | Do I need a permit to clear my property? Answer:
Yes. A vegetation removal permit, issued by the Department of Environmental Resources Management (561-233-2400), is required for all non-residential sites. Additionally, single family residential lot owners are encourage to remove only the trees that are necessary to implement the building permit. |
 | How can I determine what type of plants I can install on a property in Unincorporated Palm Beach County? Answer:
 | Where can I find the approved landscape plan for a project? Answer:
 | How do I schedule a Landscape Inspection? Answer:
Please call 561-355-2222 and enter code 503 to schedule a landscape inspection. If you have problems or questions, please contact the Landscape Section at 561-233-5037. |
 | How many trees do I need on my property to comply with the Landscape Code? Answer:
For residential lots: one tree per 1,250 sq. ft. of gross lot area to a maximum of 15 trees in the U/S Tier, 1 tree per 1,000
sf to a maximum of 30 trees in the AGR and Glades Tier and 1 tree per 800 sf to a maximum of 30 trees in the Exurban and Rural Tiers. Commercial sites are required one tree for 2,000 sq. ft. of gross lot area, pursuant to Article 7, Table 7.C.3.A. – Interior Tree Landscaping Requirements. |
 | What are controlled species? Answer:
 | What are the penalties for illegal removal of trees? Answer:
A Notice of Violation will be issued and penalties will be enforced by Code Enforcement if not resolved. Refer Article 7.G.3, Enforcement, of the Unified Land Development Code |
 | What is a Landscape Permit, and why is it necessary? Answer:
A Landscape Permit is a Development Order issued by the Zoning Division, Landscape Section during the Building Permit review process to ensure the installation, inspection and maintenance of the required landscape materials is done in accordance with the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) requirements and/or Board of County Commission Conditions of Approval.
 | What is the maximum height of hedges for a single family residence? Answer:
For single-family residences, height of hedges shall be 4- feet in the required front yard, 8-feet in the required sides and rear. Refer to Article 7.D.4.A, of Unified Land Development Code.
 | What trees are prohibited on my property at the time of construction pursuant to the Landscape Code? Answer:
Some examples or prohibited vegetation are Australian Pine, Brazilian Pepper, Melaleuca, Ear leaf Acacia, Schefflera, Carrotwood, etc. which must be removed prior to development. Refer to Article 14.C. |
 | When is landscaping required to be installed on site? Answer:
All landscape material shall be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion, refer to Article 7.B.3.E. |