​The Vendor Directory displays the information of all business currently certified by the Office of Equal Business Opportunity (OEBO).

The Directory displays all businesses currently certified by the Office of Equal Business Opportunity (OEBO).
There are several ways to locate a certified business:

  1. COMPANY NAME. Enter the first three (3) letters of the company name, then select the search button or press the enter key. You can also search by a company's Fictitious Name by entering the same criteria.      
  2. BUSINESS OWNER NAME. Enter the first three (3) letters of the business owners first or last name then select the search button or press the enter key.     
  3. CITY. Start typing the name of the city that you want to search. The system will filter the city names based on what you type.     
  4. VENDOR SERVICE DESCRIPTION. This search provides you with a list of businesses that provide a service or product associated with the term entered.  Multiple service code search is also available.     
  5. NIGP SERVICE CODE. Type in a NIGP code number to search for vendors certified with that specific code. You can also type in a service or product description to search for the corresponding NIGP Code. You can then select the appropriate NIGP code(s) and perform a search by the NIGP code(s). 

  6. CERTIFICATION TYPE. Select the appropriate button for the desired certification type. The system will filter the small business by S/M/WBE classification.   
  7.  ZIP CODE. You can search for all certified businesses within a specified zip code.  You can also search on multiple zip codes as well.

Select the OEBO Vendor Directory button to search for the desired criteria listed above and/or download the entire directory of certified small businesses.  
Please be aware that all Information printed from the website directory is valid only on the day of printing.