Student internship provides extremely valuable experience in your chosen career field while you are still attending school. Palm Beach County is dedicated to finding and hiring the best and brightest employees. Our Internships provide you the opportunity to work with an elite government employer, in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. We are purpose-driven and look for highly motivated employees.
We make the world a better place! Our jobs range from saving sea turtles to building new infrastructure, from airports to zoning, and everything in between.
- We will work around your school schedule.
- We are a flexible employer with flexible hours.
- We will be committed to allowing you to experience new and challenging programs and technologies.
If you are interested in applying for an Internship opportunity with Palm Beach County, please see the available student/intern position(s) below that is most compatible with your educational and career goals.
What we ask of you:
You must be a bona-fide student attending an accredited school while employed in a student internship position, see
County-wide Policy CW-P-007 for details.
Additional Resources:
Career Source Palm Beach County
Palm Beach State College Career Center