Article Title | Bonefish Cove Restoration-Project Update August 2024 | Post Date | Posted on
Friday, August 16, 2024 | Rollup Image | | Body |  Barge being loaded with sand at Peanut Island.
|  North island at Bonefish Cove taking shape.
The contractor working on building the islands has been transporting sand from Peanut Island’s dredge material management areas for over a month now and the northern most island is continuing to take shape. See attached pictures of barge loading activities at Peanut Island and the northern most island beginning to emerge at Bonefish Cove.
Once the intertidal islands are formed they will be stabilized with limestone rock breakwaters.
All work is taking place inside the yellow turbidity curtains that surround the northern portion of the project. Turbidity monitoring is conducted daily and indicates the curtains are working to contain and minimize turbidity generated from the placement of sand.
Work hours are 7am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday, as approved by the Town of Palm Beach. Construction of each island will take several months with the contractor scheduled to complete construction of all the islands, oyster reefs and planting mangroves by summer 2025.
When completed the islands and oyster reefs will provide critical habitat for threatened shorebirds and protected native mangroves, while below water seagrass and oysters will colonize, improving water quality.
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