The following is for the order of business at the next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. This and any backup materials attached thereto are for informational purposes only and are subject to additions, deletions, or revisions at any time, up to and during the meeting, without notice to the public.
BCC Meeting/Workshop Dates
BCC Rules of Procedure
For more information, call the Agenda Coordinator at 561-355-3229. The meetings are held in the Palm Beach County Robert Weisman Governmental Center, 6th floor Commission Chambers, 301 N. Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach.
Public Comment
Public Comment Alternative for BCC Regular and Workshop Meetings and Matters by the Public ONLY
IMPORTANT: If you plan to speak in person at a meeting, PLEASE DO NOT use this form. You must fill out a comment card when you arrive.
Members of the public can submit comments on agenda items for
BCC Regular and Workshop meetings and Matters by the Public ONLY through the following form: Submit Public Comment.
In order for public comments to be filed in the official record with the Clerk's office for the referenced meeting, the form must reference the agenda item number and the meeting date and
MUST be submitted as follows:
- Prior to the start of the particular agenda item on the particular meeting date or
- for Matters by the Public, before the 2:00 p.m. time certain on the particular public hearing date.
For Board of County Commissioners Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Public Hearings managed by the Planning and Zoning Divisions, respectively, and posted on the web pages below, public comments may be submitted at the hearing or to the project manager listed in the particular public notice on
this page. Comments received prior to the hearing date will be submitted into the record at the hearing.
For anyone needing ADA accommodations to attend the meeting or to submit public comments, please e-mail or contact Public Affairs at