
Covid Stimulus FlierRental Assistance (ERA) (002).png


To provide, serve, and educate eligible residents of Palm Beach County through case management, social services, advocacy and community linkage thereby empowering the individual/family to improve their quality of life.  

Palm Beach County Division of Human Services offers services within four (4) Program Components: Emergency, Self-Sufficiency, Intervention and Homeless Services.


As far back as 1964, the Palm Beach County Division of Human Services has existed for the purpose of serving eligible citizens in need. Assistance with basic living expenses, as well as, provision of state mandated services has always been the foundation of Division services.

Over the last decade, the Division has strengthened its Case Management model of service delivery. That is, instead of one time payment of delinquent rent or utility bills, eligible citizens are now engaged in a thorough Intake and Assessment; provided structured services that address identified barriers to economic stability; and provided intensive Case Management to assist them in gaining or regaining self-sufficiency.  ​​

 Important Notice!

An individual or family applying for services must provide verification of income and assets, as well as, two forms of identification and verification of bills. Additional information, as applicable, may also be required.

With the exception of specialized programs, services are accessed through three main offices located in Riviera Beach, Delray Beach and Belle Glade. In addition, arrangements can be made with the social worker to meet with an individual if transportation into the office is a barrier. There are no fees for most programs administered. For specialized programs, such as Indigent Burial/Cremation, liens are filed against the estate of the deceased.   

Accelerated Gentrification

Are you a Landlord?

Sign up today! Click here to sign up: http://goo.gl/forms/72BxxB4cU2


The campaign is a shared effort by homeless services providers in Palm Beach County to bring new landlords on board to make affordable units available to individuals and families. Our ultimate goal is to end homelessness and we know that housing is the solution. Partnering makes good business sense as it is linked with staff resources and financial assistance.

We need the help of landlords who have efficiencies, studios and multiple bedroom units that are affordable to extremely low income families and individuals. Units must rent at or below Fair Market Rent in Palm Beach County.

 smart landlord banner


​HOT Team:

One team conducts targeted outreaches throughout Palm Beach County, focusing on areas of high concentration of homeless individuals; they will respond to community requests; and complete SPDATs in the field.

Housing Focused Outreach Teams:

Two teams work with a caseload of the most vulnerable homeless individuals – engaging in regular housing focused discussion and activities, taking them to see housing alternatives and place in housing. 

Senator Philip D. Lewis Center:

Homeless Services staff will assess individuals at the Lewis Center for Housing Focused Services and provide Case Management to homeless individuals in transition.  

Housing First Program:

Cases are intensive and require close monitoring of clients in the early stages. As the Housing First program expands, case managers will be reassigned to meet the increasing need. 

Emergency Housing Program:

Short term halfway house placement with immediate goal of housing. Discussions focus on what is needed to become housed. 

Extended Care for persons applying for Social Security:

Under SSI interim assistance and SOAR process, but not in need of personal care assistance. 

Assisted Living Program:

Homeless individuals are assessed for placement based upon medical need for personal care pending Social Security application for disability under SSI interim assistance and SOAR process.

 Contact Us

810 Datura Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

 Important Numbers

Homeless Services Access:
​To access Homeless Services call
Senator Philip D. Lewis Center at 561-904-7900. 

PBC Palm Tran:


Area Agency on Aging's Elder Helpline: