
​​​​​Help Shape a Healthier Palm Beach County​.

Mature Caucasian woman with a hip fashion style standing behind a young African American, Black woman in cool clothes

Your input is crucial to the future of our community. Palm Beach County, BeWell of Palm Beach County and the Recovery Community Hub of Palm Beach County have partnered with Commonly Well, to distribute the Resilience Capital Index survey. We value your opinion and appreciate your participation in our effort to forge a strong and healthy future for Palm Beach County.​

Your voice matters! Help us identify the strengths and needs of the community by taking the Palm Beach County wellness survey.

QR Code Box

“Scan QR Code, then click "send" to receive the survey 
OR text PBC to 844.926.6691

 What is Resilience Capital?

​​​​Resilience Capital represents the internal and external resources someone can use to maintain a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being. The survey will measure your individual resilience capital and generate a numeric score.​

 Will my information be private?

​​​All surveys are anonymous by default. Your personal information will not be associated with your response. If you'd like to partici​pate in follow-up surveys later on, you can opt in by volunteering your information when prompted by the survey.​​​

Data Dashboard​​

 How long will the survey take to complete?

​​​The survey​​ should only take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

 How will the survey results be used?

​​​The anonymous survey data will help us evaluate the community's strengths and needs, which will inform our decisions and the actions we will take to improve the health and well-being of Palm Beach County.​

 I want to know more! Who do I talk to?

Please contact CSDHealthyPBC@pbc.gov with ​​​any question about this exciting county initiative.​​​

 Our Partners

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