Youth Services Collaborates with Channel 20 to Promote 'Get Your Green On'
in Support of Mental Health Awareness Month in May
May is Mental Health Awareness and Trauma-Informed Care Month. We are looking to you to support your community co-workers, friends, and family. Save the Date! Thursday, May 18, 2023, is 'Get Your Green On' (GYGO) Day. Youth Services Department Public Relations Specialist, Tevin Ali, recently worked with the Palm Beach County Channel 20 Team to help promote the campaign.
Take a photo of yourself wearing green on May 18 and post to social media with #GYGO and #GYGO2023 to support Mental Health Awareness and Trauma-Informed Care Month.
For more information on 'Get Your Green On' and to see what events you can get involved in locally to support mental health, please visit