On September 7,
Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures hosted its 2022 retreat at Palm Beach State College Public Safety Conference Center. The event brought 40 leaders from local organizations to collaborate on the issues facing youth ages 0 to 22 in Palm Beach County. Participants discussed plans to update the Youth Master Plan with community input and a recognition of changing environment for young people. Four main questions were addressed “Where are we now? What is working? What are the challenges? What are future solutions?”
Birth to 22 plans to continue hosting annual conversations with community members about their needs. Based on the most recent community conversation earlier this year, the top 3 resource needs expressed were mental health, the economy/housing, and education, including resources for afterschool programs and post-secondary education.
Learn more about the Birth to 22 Alliance at: http://pbcbirthto22.com/.
To stay connected with Birth to 22 and their upcoming events and initiatives, follow them on their Facebook and Instagram pages @Birthto22.