​The CILB was created by Special Act 67-1876 in 1967. The CILB is comprised of fifteen (15) members representative of the construction industry and citizens within Palm Beach County. Although specific member representation is set forth in Special Act 67-1876 and Chapter 489 F.S., as amended, members are appointed by the BCC. The CILB is responsible for approving all applications for certification examination, requests for change of status, and may take disciplinary action against a county certified contractor for violations of contractor certification laws. The CILB meets monthly (except during the month of November), usually on the fourth Monday.

The purpose of the CILB is clearly set forth in the Special Act and recognizes that the business of construction and home improvements is a matter affecting the public interest, and any person engaging in the business as herein defined shall be required to establish competency and qualifications to be certified.

AUTHORITY: Special Act, Laws of Florida, Chapter 67-1876, as amended from time to time.

APPOINTING AUTHORITY: Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
COMPOSITION, QUALIFICATIONS, TERMS AND REMOVAL: This Board shall be composed of fifteen (15) members as follows: Two (2) general contractors; one (1) building contractor; one (1) residential contractor; one (1) electrical contractor; one (1) plumbing contractor; one (1) HARV contractor; one (1) architect; one (1) engineer; one (1) full-time building official, who meets the requirements of the Building Officials Association of Florida. of the and is located within Palm Beach County; one (1) roofing contractor and one (1) swimming pool contractor; and 3 consumer members. The basic term of office is three (3) years but no member shall serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms, but may be re-appointed after a three (3) year hiatus.

Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month, or as the need presents itself, at 2:00 p.m. at 2300 N Jog Road , West Palm Beach.

FUNCTIONS: To establish qualifications and competency of contractors that work within the County. The Board also provides for the testing and licensing of these contractors and is empowered to revoke licenses. ​