Dedicated to reducing fire and life safety risks at schools, preschools, daycares and in the community. Program activities serve students by:

  • engaging and educating preschool and school-aged children about fire prevention, fire and life safety and the role of firefighters in helping keep them safe.
  • providing integrated, quality teaching resources and opportunities to stay safe.


Schedule a firefighter visit or fire station tour to help reinforce fire safety messages and education.


Preschool Fire Safety Program (Ages 3-5)

Preschool children are especially vulnerable to fire and burn injuries. In addition, children under the age of five are at serious risk of being killed in a fire.

Request fire and life safety programs for your preschool or daycare to address the safety needs of your children. Program materials are directed towards children ages three to five years.

Presentation teaches important lessons:

  • Firefighters are our friends
  • Stop! Drop! And Roll!
  • Crawl low under smoke
  • Toys and Tools
  • Get out and Stay Out


School- Aged Requests

Keeping your neighborhood safe is our top priority. Our elementary school-aged fire safety program provides specific age appropriate safety messages and skills.  We offer individual class presentations or stage show presentations involving the whole school.

Presentations focus on:

  • Home Fire Safety
  • Fire Safety Skills
  • Injury Prevention
  • Firefighters


Youth Firesetter Intervention Program- Palm Beach County Fire Rescue offers a comprehensive Youth Firesetter Intervention Program. Parents and their children attend a 3-hour class that includes:


  • discussing the fires that were set,
  • explaining why the fire was set,
  • identifying the potential for injury and even death, and
  • creating home safety and evacuation plans.

The potential consequences of setting fires are also discussed, such as:

  • Restitution (re-payment of damages),
  • Legal involvement, and
  • Future goal- or career-limitations.

Youth Firesetters can be recommended to the Youth Firesetter Intervention Program from: parents, school personnel, mental health providers, law enforcement officers, as well as others.
For more information or to make a referral to the Youth Firesetter Intervention Program, please call (561) 616-7033.