Contracts Division
Contract Development and Control (CDC) is the Division which serves as the clearing house for coordinating all formal written contracts in compliance with Board policies. Standardized contracts are developed by our Division to facilitate the initiation, completion and approval processes.
The primary services provided by CDC to our clients are the following:
- Reviewing contracts, agenda items, and RFPs.
- Maintaining a database register for tracking, updating and monitoring ad valorem funded contracts.
- Provide reports on a monthly basis to BCC members and the Clerk's office in relation to contract change activity for design and construction contracts.
- Drafting/Reviewing countywide policies and procedures pertaining to contracts.
- Serve as a voting member on numerous Countywide committees.
- Make site visits to County departments to determine compliance with countywide policies in relation to terms/conditions of contracts, if requested.
- Participation in contract negotiations by assisting with drafting and developing contracts.
- Provide contract workshops to County staff.
The retention and dissemination of data in relation to contracts and related instruments approved by the Board of County Commissioners is of major importance to the Board and its Departments and related agencies.
Contract Development and Control (CDC) maintains a Contract Register that is an automated system that captures key areas of interest in relation to Board approved contracts funded with ad valorem funds. This information is very useful in preparing various reports for Commissioners and Departments.
Another area that CDC had been involved with is educating Department staff on contract processes and procedures through the conducting of workshops and one on one consultations. We strive to make this process as user friendly as possible and it continues to evolve. Tied into this area is the development of standard contracts within Departments that engage in contracting activity on a regular basis. CDC offers assistance in drafting of such documents. We also review draft documents on a continuing basis and offer comments and suggestions that are helpful to the Departments.