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Division of Senior Services Recognizes Older Americans Month

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Division of Senior Services Recognizes Older Americans Month


May is Older Americans Month (OAM) and each year, the Community Services Department's Division of Senior Services (DOSS) takes this opportunity to recognize the importance older adults play in our society. Around the nation, older adults make their marks every day as volunteers, employees, parents, grandparents, mentors, advocates and much more. They offer their time, talents, and experience to the benefit of our communities.

This year's OAM theme, "Make Your Mark," highlights older adults' unique and lasting contributions to their communities -- everything from sharing a story with grandchildren to leaving a legacy of community action. The coronavirus pandemic has made a drastic difference in everyone's life, especially older adults who are among the most vulnerable.

DOSS understands the importance of ensuring the senior population is safe and provides them and their caregivers with resources to remain independent, engaged and healthy during this challenging time. In the spirit of this theme and the new social-distancing norm, here are some ways that seniors can make their mark this month all year long:

  • Engage virtually, if you can. Interact with friends and loved ones using video telephone call or social media. Explore free virtual artwork, zoos, and museums, take a free online class, listen to podcasts, or read an e-book.
  • Fewer tech interactions. Socialize with family and friends using the telephone, watch a TV show or movie, write a letter, read a book, or stay informed by reading the local newspaper and community bulletin boards.
  • Stay connected. Call the Area Agency on Aging Helpline at 1-866-684-5885 for assistance with case management and in-home services, including food. To apply for utility assistance (EHEAP) go to or call 561-355-4766.

DOSS continues to provide case management and in-home services to seniors in need, including home-delivered meals. DOSS in partnership with Palm Tran and the Area Agency on Aging are connecting seniors with essential services, including 'grab and go' meals distributed at the county's three senior centers located in Lake Worth, Palms Beach Gardens and Belle Glade and telephone reassurance calls.

"Older adults play a vital role in society as they enrich our community through their diverse life experiences," said DOSS Director Faith Manfra. "Although the pandemic has temporarily changed the way DOSS operates, we continue to serve our vulnerable population and their caregivers, with essential basic needs for their continuum of care."

To learn more about DOSS services, visit
