
​Homeless Advisory Board



The Homeless Advisory Board was established by the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners on May 1, 2007.

The Board’s mission is the development of the Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness as conceived by HUD; “leading a collaborative planning process to design, execute, and evaluate programs, policies and practices to prevent and end homelessness.” An executive summary of the plan is also available for download.

The responsibilities of the Homeless Advisory Board are to assist the County in reaching its Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness goals. These responsibilities include the following:

  1. Review progress made in the County towards achieving the objectives identified in the Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.  The primary recommendations may include systematic changes, policy changes, and funding recommendations. 
  2. Foster and promote cooperation between governmental agencies, community-based non-governmental non-profit organizations and business interests in order to ensure the efficient and timely implementation of the Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness.
  3. Provide information regarding the needs and other factors affecting the smooth implementation of the Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness within Palm Beach County.
  4. Determine roadblocks affecting program implementation and recommend corrective measures to the Board of County Commissioners.

The Board is comprised of 14 members.  

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 Contact Us

Keianna Williams

Homeless Advisory Board Liaison
Human Services Division


For questions regarding the Ten-Year Plan please e-mail to: KWillia4@pbcgov.org 

 Meeting Schedule

All meetings begin at 1:00 p.m. at   

   2300 Jog Road West Palm Beach FL.

For the current month's committee  meetings please call 561-355-4775.

expand Year : 2015 ‎(2)
expand Year : 2014 ‎(4)
expand Year : 2013 ‎(3)
expand Year : 2012 ‎(3)
expand Year : 2011 ‎(3)
expand Year : 2010 ‎(4)
expand Year : 2009 ‎(4)
expand Year : 2008 ‎(10)
expand Year : 2007 ‎(4)