
Florida Fresh from Palm Beach County. The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners approved and funded the Agricultural Economic Development Program with the purpose of increasing the continued economic viability of the county's extensive agricultural industry.

Representing over $2 billion in economic impact to the county's economic and encompassing approximately 37% of the total land in the county, commercial agriculture is one of our major core industries and employer. The Office of Agricultural Economic Development main responsibility is to promote job creation, growth, and the continued profitability of this and related industries. ​
Palm Beach County Grows Fresh from Florida

​Assistance Provided in:

  • Agricultural or Related Business Development
  • Grant Acquisitions
  • New Crop Establishment
  • Business Plans
  • Agricultural Value-Added Opportunities
  • Regulatory Process
  • Compliance Marketing Programs
  • General Business Assistance


Contact Us

​Office of Agricultural

Economic Development


559 N Military Trail
West Palm Beach
Florida 33415