
The Business Loan Program implements several loan funds to support a broad range of new and existing businesses located in Palm Beach County.  The Program:
  • Supports borrowers who are unable to access traditional lenders or receive favorable terms
  • Provides long-term fixed or variable rate financing at interest rates lower than conventional loans
  • Offers subordinated financing to borrowers to fill a financing gap between private lenders and equity investments.
  • Typically requires borrowers to make a cash or equity contribution of at least 10% of the total project costs.

The Business Loan Program is designed to increase economic activity and create jobs in Palm Beach County by stimulating business development and investment. 

In general, only private, for-profit businesses with 2 or more years of operations are eligible to apply for a loan.  Eligible uses for loans include: real estate acquisition, construction or renovation, machinery and equipment, working capital, and lines of credit.

Business Loan Program Brochure

Business Loan Application Checklist

Business Loan Application​ 

For additional information on the Business Loan Program, contact:

Meri Weymer, Business and Economic Development Division Director mweymer@pbcgov.org  561-233-3675

Amanda Hughes, Business and Economic Development Coordinator ahughes@pbcgov.org  561-233-3613

For additional information on individual loan funds within the Business Loan Program, see: